So I was already excited about the possibilities of Azure Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), the ability to have such a powerful solution sitting in the wings really gets the creative juices flowing.
I have been using a management product from Nerdio called unsurprisingly “Nerdio Manager for WVD” and it is pretty cool. It is on the surface a simplified way to deploy and manage your WVD deployments, but now with the release of version 2.10 it just became a hole lot more.
Version 2.10 brings integration with Github that easy enables versioning and script collaboration. Nerdio now comes with advanced out of the box scripted actions using azure run books. Nerdio 2.10 release documentation is here
Ok if you are a cynic you might say… why script a tool that has been written to stop you having to managed WVD from a script (Powershell)?
Well, Nerdio does more than just simplify Microsoft’s deployment and management of WVD environments it also now enables powerful automation actions like auto resizing Azure Files shares so you can optimize the performance of your shares while protecting cost blow outs in the consumption base model that is Azure.
This is cool, but my favorite is the templating of a workspace deployment, yes you can automate the setup now thus saving time and money in deployments.
If you are even slightly considering Azure WVD you need to check out Nerdio as part of your discovery.