FSLogix, OneDrive and Enterprise state roaming need to have a love child… lets give that a sec to sink in!
I see so much potential with solutions like “Nerdio manager for WVD” outside regular use case scenarios. Imagine a virtual “Plan B” that is ready to go at a moments notice and that by its very nature only carries any substantial cost when you use it. Yeah I’m taking about Azure WVD as a standby business continuity service, but what does that have to do with the aforementioned love child that I will for the time being call “M365 Profile”?
Think back to the dark days or roaming profiles, most of us only really remember them for the inevitable corruption event that lead you to having to create a new one. I do remember something else about them, that day you had to replace a user’s dead machine only to find on first login all their stuff just magically reappear! We all know it wasn’t magic, for all the pain roaming profiles created they did have some benefits.
Now this is evident with the success of FSlogix and how it has empowered the modern WVD solutions. I can’t help but feel Microsoft Enterprise State Roaming however fell a little bit short of the service we all imagined. OneDrive files OnDemand paired with the Desktop, Documents and Pictures folder sync has done a lot to improve user transition between machines in the Modern workplace but there is more to do.
I can only imagine what we could do for clients if we could seamlessly transition them from physical to Virtual environments without any intervention from IT administrators.
I think we are close, and full credit to Microsoft for the work to date. Window 10 multisession is a huge leap of consistency between these two worlds. I look forward to working with what Microsoft and its partners like Nerdio have in the pipeline.