In my role as an IT professional, there are many technical and non-technical challenges when working with clients. I believe explaining technology in terms that are understandable relatable can not be understated as it is the only way to really get the business on board to effect real positive change. Many technical professionals can really struggle here as someone who is technically gifted is not always blessed with the same level of emotional IQ that enables them to empathise and communicate with other human beings all that well.
I know that doesn’t seem to relate to the point of this blog on the surface but stay with me and ill get to the point.
I believe making a meaningful connection with someone is the root to gaining their trust and as a consulting IT professional, trust isn’t just important… its everything!
IT consulting in the modern workplace is not about selling box’s or fancy widgets it about assessing a clients business and its workflows, architecting an enabling solution and building a plan on how to get there from the current reality.
Its one hell of a process, mainly for the client as the digital transformation process is seldom free of hurdles and on the surface of it quite expensive.
This is where trust is everything, trust in you provider and the process. As a consultant we ‘start’ by eliminating the costs consideration to ensure we are designing the very best option for our clients (Within reason of course, few clients want gold plated laptops). I used the term ‘start’ for good reason; I do not actually expect a client to just rubber stamp the solution on presentation (from experience they often must pick themselves up off the floor first anyway 😉).
This is when open communication based on a trusting partnership pays dividends for both the client and IT Provider. The process of re-working the utopian solution into something that fits the client’s budget and business needs can begin, and hopefully end with something the client is comfortable paying for and the provider is happy to implement and support.
Trust your provider and the process, hell if you do this you might just enjoy it a little more and learn some cool stuff along the way. As a consultant this is where I get most of my job satisfaction from, not the learning new stuff and playing with cool toys… its working with other human beings and seeing what I do make real impact to them personally and in the way they work.
